Provider and Formulary Search Tool (Small Group Health Insurance)

CarriersHealth NetKaiser PermanentePacificSourceProvidenceRegenceUnited Healthcare
Provider Search: Find providers in-network in your areaFind a Health Net ProviderFind a Kaiser ProviderFind a PacificSource ProviderFind a Providence ProviderFind a Regence ProviderFind a UHC Provider
How to searchSelect a Plan Year and Location, then search by Provider Name or Plan/NetworkSearch by either Doctor or Location, then enter Zip Code and Keywords to specifiy searchSelect a Plan Year and enter Zip Code. You can narrow your search further by filling out Optional CategoriesEnter Zip Code, and search by Name, Specialty, Symptom, or ConditionEnter your Location and Network (Preferred Network), then search doctors by Name or SpecialtySelect Guest Provider Search, choose the Provider Type you’re looking for, select Employer and Individual Plans, select the Choice Plus Network, input your correct Zip Code, then search by category to find a provider
Formulary: Find out if your Rx is covered by this carrierHealth Net FormularyKaiser FormularyPacificSource FormularyProvidence FormularyRegence FormularyUHC Formulary
How to searchInput Drug Name into search bar, or search by Therapeutic ClassUse your Search Function (ctrl+F) to find your drug by name on the .pdfSelect a Plan Year and Drug List, then search by Drug Name or Therapy ClassInput Drug Name into search barClick Individual + Family, on the righthand menu click Pharmacy then select Through my Company 50 Employees or Less, search by Drug Name or ConditionUse your Search Function (ctrl+F) to find your drug by name on the .pdf
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